Condo Insurance for Everything Your Condo Community Policy Doesn’t Cover

No one wants to think about experiencing a tragic and costly event like a fire or a flood. It doesn’t matter if you rent or own a home or condo; everyone is subject to these and other types of concerns. However, the good news for condo owners is that many of those concerns are covered under their condominium community insurance plan. The bad news is that many items are not, which is why condo owners in and around the Fords, NJ area rely on the professional and friendly team at the Five Star Insurance Agency for all their condo insurance needs.

For Everything Your Condo Community Policy Doesn’t Cover – There is Condo Insurance

One of the benefits of living in a condo is that if your condo unit is damaged by fire or flooding, for example, many of those damages will be covered under your condo community’s insurance policy. In particular, areas commonly referred to as "shared" spaces are protected. These typically include common hallways, lobby areas, and other jointly used spaces.

The main concern condo owners have is protecting their personal items, valuables, and possessions. In most cases, these are generally not covered under your condo community policy, which means that if you need to repair or replace your things due to some significant destructive event, you are on your own – unless you have condo insurance.

Condo Insurance in Fords, NJ

If you live in a condo in or around the Fords, NJ area and have questions or need condo insurance, we can help. Contact our friendly and professional team at the Five Star Insurance Agency for the condo insurance solutions and protection you need and deserve today.