Motorcycle Insurance in New Jersey
In New Jersey, low-speed motorcycles can be added to an existing auto insurance license but high-speed motorcycles and motorcycle-only licenses are required to have motorcycle insurance. Five Star Insurance Agency can help you decide on the best insurance package for your specific motorcycle situation in Fords, NJ.
Motorcycle Insurance Considerations
According to the State of New Jersey, a motorcycle is any vehicle with attached motors, including motor bikes, dirt bikes, and tricycles. Anyone who has a driver's license can ride a low-speed motorcycle without an endorsement or separate motorcycle license on public roads with speeds of 35 mph or less. But if the motorcycle has more than 50cc, has a motor of 1.5 brake horsepower or more, or will be driven on state toll roads or limited access highways, an endorsement or separate motorcycle license is required. All motorcycles must be titled and registered in New Jersey and meet the EPA's and NHTSA's minimum safety standards. To find out if you need motorcycle insurance, our agents at Five Star Insurance Agency can help.
Safety Tips for Motorcycles
Motorcyclists are the most vulnerable motorists on the road and are 26 times more likely to die in a crash than car passengers. Here are some tips on how to stay safe on the roads while enjoying the ride from your friends at Five Star:
- Get the right gear - always wear a DOT-approved helmet, protective reflective clothing with bright colors, and adequate eye protection.
- Drive defensively. Be aware of any hidden motorcycles, don't linger in blind spots, and plan escape routes.
- Never ride if you are tired, have taken medication, or drink alcohol.
- Share the road - motorcycles and motorists abide by the same traffic laws.
Your Partner in Motorcycle Insurance
If you have any questions regarding motorcycle insurance for your ride in Fords, NJ, call our agents today at Five Star Insurance Agency. You'll be glad that you did!