Most flood insurance policies go into effect immediately upon purchase, but there may be exceptions depending on when the policy was purchased.
If you purchased your flood insurance within the last six months, and it is still under the standard policy term of 36 months, then you will need to contact your insurance provider to see if it has started to lapse. Contact Five Star Insurance Agency for inquiries in Fords, NJ.
What More to Know
If you are looking to purchase a new flood policy, it should go into effect immediately, but if you are looking to switch from one provider to another, it will likely take a couple of weeks.
Flood insurance goes into effect immediately after the event has taken place, but the process of claiming a flood can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.
You will want to keep an eye out for any unusual weather patterns, like high winds or torrential downpours that are out of the ordinary for your area. Additionally, you can look for any signs of flood damage, like mud on the ground or damaged homes.
Only about 15 to 20 U.S. hurricanes are strong enough to cause flooding yearly. Most insurers will require a fire inspection to start a flood policy. This may take up to 30 days.
The biggest risk with flood insurance is when you don’t buy it in time. Most policies will only start 30 days after an inspection. That means that if a flood does occur before then, as most do — you won’t have flood coverage.
Bottom Line
Most insurance companies will wait at least 30 days from the time a policy is issued before it starts to cover you for any losses. This gives you time to review the policy and talk with anyone who may be affected by the coverage.
If you live in a community that isn’t considered a flood zone, you can still purchase flood insurance. The best thing to do is talk to an experienced broker in writing flood policies. For expert help in Fords, NJ, call Five Star Insurance Agency.