Life Insurance as an Estate Planning Tool

When people think of retirement and estate planning, the most apparent components include having a will, considering a trust, putting mid-life income in an individual retirement account to depend on later, and savings. Very few, however, think about the double benefit and power of a life insurance plan. Aside from the very basic life insurance form, known as term life insurance, expanded types of life insurance include both the coverage protection for the unexpected as well as a savings component. The savings component not only can be collected with payments to provide for liquidity in later years, but it can also be left to others in an estate plan if desired as well.

Planning for your Future

Planning for an estate in Fords, NJ and elsewhere is a complex process that varies from person to person. No two cases are exactly alike. Unfortunately, what consumers are taught about estate planning is often generic and treats them as if everyone is the same. No surprise then, very few understand how life insurance works and can be fully used both as a risk prevention as well as a savings vehicle.

The folks at Five Star Insurance Agency understand the above problem and work hard every day to help regular consumers fully understand their financial planning options with every aspect of life insurance, not just what the typical media byline describes. That means explaining how each type of life insurance works, answering questions, educating folks, and help out Fords, NJ residents from all walks of life genuinely handle estate planning with every tool available to them. Granted, there are a few other things people might want to be doing versus estate planning, but the experts at Five Star Insurance Agency are there to help and get people from point A to point B with their financial future. Take one more thing off the worry list and plan a life insurance approach right. Give Five Star Insurance Agency a call today.

Three Benefits of Workers’ Comp Insurance

Good employees are hard to come by in any industry. As a business owner, you can do your part to care for your employees in your Fords, NJ company. Workers’ comp insurance is one way to protect your employees’ interests. At the same time, it protects your business from possible lawsuits due to workplace accidents or from having to pay medical expenses of accidental injuries out of pocket.

Workers’ comp insurance from Five Star Insurance Agency provides numerous advantages to business owners in protecting their employees and assets. Here are some of the main benefits that workers’ comp has to offer.

1. Medical Costs

By taking preventative measures to protect your employees, you can reduce the risk of workplace accidents. If accidents occur, however, workers comp will cover medical expenses of those injured on the job. This can include the cost of an ambulance, emergency room visit, medical treatments, doctor evaluations, prescribed medications, and on-going care, i.e. future surgeries, rehab, etc.

2. Lost Wages

If an employee’s injuries keep him or her from working, workers’ comp will help cover lost wages while they are recovering, so your company doesn’t have to assume this financial responsibility. This gives you the financial resources to hire and train temporary personnel, if needed, to maintain business productivity while your injured employee is recovering.

3. Death Benefits/Funeral Costs

If a serious work accident leads to an employee’s demise, workers’ comp can help cover funeral costs, so you or your employee’s immediate family doesn’t have to bear this burden. Many policies offer death benefits to employees’ dependents, making it easier for them to manage financially after their sudden and unexpected loss.

Workers’ comp insurance is a smart and practical means of protecting your business and employees. To learn more about this insurance coverage and costs, contact Five Star Insurance Agency in Fords, NJ.

Why use a professional for your tax preparation?

Five Star Insurance Agency, serving Woodbridge and Fords, NJ, offers tax preparation services beyond their regular lines of business with insurance.Some may think of this as a wonderful service while others may ask, "Why do I need tax preparation?"

Tax Preparation Services for New Jersey Residents

The inconvenient truth about the tax code, both federally and in New Jersey, is that it is a minefield for the unwary. The governments in Washington and in Trenton have made complying with tax law a very complicated business. With all of the exceptions, credits, deductions, and loopholes that have been tucked into the tax code over the years, it only makes sense to seek the services of a professional who is versed in all of those aspects.

A person who is attempting to do his or her own taxes must consider two things. First, have all of the deductions and other opportunities to save money on taxes been taken advantage of? Governments have laden the tax code with all sorts of ways to save money if one fits certain situations. A professional will be able to figure out which of those cases you fit into and get you the most savings possible under the law. No one likes paying taxes, and that doubly goes for paying too much taxes.

Second, the tax code is permeated with opportunities to violate the law, taking deductions mistakenly that you are not entitled to, not reporting types of income as required, and not having the paperwork to back up one’s return, which is necessary if one is called into an audit. A tax professional will be able to navigate you through those treacherous waters and keep the tax man from your door.

For information on tax preparation or all aspects of insurance, contact Five Star Insurance Agency, serving Woodbridge and Fords, NJ.

Rental insurance and liability

Renters in Woodbridge and Fords, NJ commonly think that renters insurance will only protect their belongings. Five Star Insurance Agency wants the residents of New Jersey to know that renters insurance can go far beyond belongings when protecting you.

Liability and Renters Insurance

Renters insurance is a lot like homeowners insurance. You probably have a lot of possessions, and having renters insurance makes sure those things can be replaced if they are damaged or destroyed. Insurance companies estimate the average renter has $20,000 to $30,000 worth of property in the average apartment. It makes sense then to have insurance.

Another thing to consider is liability insurance. Just like a homeowner, if someone is injured on your property you may be held liable. If there is a serious injury, it could end up in the courts, and if you are found responsible, you could be fined legal fees. Having liability coverage helps in that situation.

When you get renters insurance, you will need to agree with the insurance company on the value of the contents of your apartment. You will also need to get a certain amount of liability coverage. There is no legally required minimum, and you can get as much as you like. If you own a rental home, you should also consider the advantages of having protection with insurance. You may get insurance on the building and your tenants through landlord insurance. 

Call or visit the Five Star Insurance Agency in Fords, NJ to find out what your options are concerning renters insurance. Our professional agents can help you get the insurance you need to fit your situation. Renters insurance on contents is usually rather inexpensive, and the liability insurance rates depend on how much liability coverage you want. Reach out to our agents for more information.

When is an umbrella policy too much?

The agents of Five Star Insurance Agency serve businesses throughout the Woodbridge and Fords, NJ area. They offer many different types of commercial insurance coverage, including umbrella policies for those that need them. With all of the different types of commercial insurance available, it can be difficult for a business owner to know what they need to protect their company and financial stability.

What is an Umbrella Policy?

An umbrella policy is an insurance policy that includes many different types of coverage. This kind of policy will also pick up coverage where other policies leave off. An excellent example of this is liability coverage. If your company’s liability coverage falls short when covering a client’s injuries, the umbrella policy will cover the overage preventing the extra from coming out of company funds. Basically, an umbrella policy offers comprehensive coverage.

What Type of Company Benefits From Umbrella Coverage?

Umbrella insurance was created to help large companies sufficiently protect themselves from various types of loss. This includes theft, liability, vehicle insurance for companies that own vehicles, life insurance, and, in many cases, worker’s compensation insurance. A small business that only has limited liability, no vehicles, and very few employees may not need umbrella coverage. Separate policies may be better suited for the size of the business and its financial needs.

If you own a business in Woodbridge or Fords, NJ and have questions about commercial insurance, especially umbrella policies, contact the agents at Five Star Insurance Agency today. We can evaluate your company’s insurance needs and make sure you have the right types of coverage to protect your livelihood. Don’t wait! Call our office today!

What is Water Backup Coverage?

Water backup is a common endorsement, especially with Five Star Insurance Agency’s coverage policies. A majority of people see it on their policies and ask, "Is this necessary?"

Imagine there’s a torrential downpour during a storm, and your power goes out, including that of your sump pump. Your previously dry basement may convert into a watery disaster. It is smart to always plan for the worst. Fords, NJ’s water system could become overwhelmed and it could back up into your home through the drain! In the event of such misfortunes, a water backup coverage takes care of you.

What does a typical homeowner’s policy cover?

You may be surprised to discover that a standard home policy does not cater for water damage. Accidental rupture of the home’s plumbing pipes or unexpected damage to your roof which allows rain into your home is frequently covered. However, the water damage from most other incidents is not.

What does the water backup insurance policy entail?

With the backup of sewers and drains, your homeowner’s policy is broadened to include coverage for damage as a result of water backing up. Remember, water backup coverage differs from flood insurance. To cover perils due to floods you need to talk with an agent about flood policy.

When selecting your coverage, consider all of the objects in your basement. This includes electronics, furniture, carpeting, and appliances. What would be the expense of replacing everything in the event of water damage? Including clean-up expenses as well.

To start planning for the future, seek advice from Five Star Insurance Agency. Water backup insurance choices may differ by state. If you live in Woodbridge or Fords, NJ, contact our agents to discuss the options suited for you.



Do I Really Need Condo Insurance?

If you own a condo around Fords, NJ, then there is a good chance that you don’t live in it all year long. In fact, many people who own a condo only live in it a few weeks out of the year. Still, you need to be aware of the advantages of having condo insurance. This especially applies if you rent out your condo to guests throughout the parts of the year that you are not residing in it. Let’s take a quick look at why you should view condo insurance from Five Star Insurance Agency as a necessity. 

Protects You From Damage

There’s nothing worse than going on a vacation to your condo only to walk in and discover your condo was damaged because of a recent storm. The repair costs for this type of event can be in the thousands. With the right condo insurance policy, you can rest easy knowing that you have coverage. Other types of damage can be covered too. You will need to speak with a qualified insurance agent to determine the best type of condo insurance policy for you. 

Protects You From Damages By Guests

Do you rent out your condo to guests when you aren’t residing in it? If so, you need to speak with your insurance agent about the types of condo insurance that will give you the best protection. You never know what damages your guests may leave behind, so having proper insurance coverage should be viewed as a necessity. 

The two reasons listed above clearly outline why you need condo insurance. If you would like to learn more about the importance of buying a policy, please contact Five Star Insurance Agency today to find out more about insurance in Fords, NJ. 

Comparing Term And Whole Life Insurance

Living in Fords, NJ provides you with an array of benefits. It’s important to build the best life for yourself, and that also means having a life insurance policy. Our agents at Five Star Insurance Agency work hard to make sure that you have a policy that makes sense for you and your family. Understanding the differences between term and whole life insurance are vital.

Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance is one of the most popular options, and most of this is because of its affordability. You will commonly choose a term between 10 and 30 years for your life insurance to be valid. It offers protection during that term. If you live past the term, you no longer have life insurance. While it is often a policy that you can renew, the renewal will be considerably more expensive because of passing the initial term.

Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance provides a significant amount of protection for you throughout your lifetime. As opposed to selecting a term, you have the coverage for your entire life. Additionally, there is a cash value associated with the policy after you have been paying into the plan for several years. This provides you with the opportunity to have a supplemental retirement income.

Choosing a life insurance policy in Fords, NJ is not something you want to dismiss. You need to look at your current finances, your age, your health, and what kind of retirement benefits you are likely going to see as you get older.

When you need help comparing the differences between term life insurance, you can rely on independent insurance agents. Call us at Five Star Insurance Agency and we can work with you individually to help you find a life insurance policy that works for you.


Tips for Selecting the Right Commercial Insurance Coverage Amount

It is important that you select the right amount of coverage for your commercial insurance needs at your Fords, NJ business. If you select an amount that is too low, your losses may not be covered if something goes wrong. If you select an amount that is too high, you may be paying more for coverage that you can never benefit from. Here are a few tips from Five Star Insurance Agency to help you select the right amount of coverage for your commercial insurance needs.

Value Your Belongings Properly

The first tip is to properly value your belongings and merchandise. Many people value the items in their business based on what they paid for them. However, if your business goes up in flames, the insurance company will only pay you the value of the items, not what you paid for them. A used computer is nowhere near as much as a new one. Properly value your items to get the right coverage amount.

Find Out What is Covered

When determining a coverage amount, find out what is covered under your commercial insurance policy. For example, the building itself is likely not covered if it goes up in flames, as that is covered under property insurance. Determining what is and isn’t covered will help you determine how much coverage you may need.

Work With a Great Insurance Company

A great insurance company will help you to come up with the right commercial coverage amount. Coming to the right amount can be challenging. This is why you should let an expert help. An insurance broker has years of experience determining the right amounts and knows what factors to consider.

If you need commercial insurance, let Five Star Insurance Agency, serving the greater Fords, NJ area, help you. Our trained insurance specialists can help you select the right coverage amount for your commercial insurance policy. Give us a call today to get started.

Jersey to NYC: Planning your road trip

Some people live in Fords, NJ their whole lives and never visit NYC. Truth be told, you can make the trip north by train or bus and get there in a few hours, but where’s the fun in that? If you want to make your journey from Fords, NJ to NYC special, check up on your policy with Five Star Insurance Agency, get in the car and make a road trip out of it.

Plan to drive to the city, but not into the city. You’re going to spend less money renting a motel room outside of NYC and bussing or taking the train into town than you would be parking your car in NYC. We’re talking about parking spaces that run the same hourly rate as the federal minimum wage. If you have the money, do what you want, but if you’ve been saving up for this trip, park somewhere outside of town so that you don’t have to spend half your budget just putting your car somewhere while you walk around. Not to mention, you’ll spend most of your time idling in traffic without going anywhere.

Forget the tourist spots. For the best results, you’ll want a friend from NYC to give you the tour. If you don’t know any locals, check out 2nd Avenue Deli and Barney Greengrass, “The Sturgeon King,” for a great bite to eat. If all else fails, you can always visit Time Square and the Statue of Liberty.

If you live in NYC, your car insurance premiums will tend to be a little higher. Fortunately, Five Star Insurance Agency is connecting you with a New Jersey policy. Drive safe, leave the car at the hotel, and you should be fine.

For more information on your auto insurance policies, contact the agents of Five Star Insurance Agency in Fords, NJ. We can make sure your policy is up to date, so you don’t have to worry when you plan your next road trip.